5 Essential Reasons to Market/Sell to Nurses


Whether you’re a blogger in the nursing niche or an online entrepreneur, marketing/selling to nurses is highly profitable.

Nurse are highly passionate professionals who provide medical care, education, research, entrepreneurship, and support to countless communities.

Over millions of registered nurses with professional and personal needs are looking for products and services to improve their lives.

In addition, many nurses make excellent incomes, and the healthcare industry is a trillion-dollar business.

The nursing niche alone earns businesses billions every year through apparel sales, footwear, medical instruments, and other essentials.

A vibrant industry of nurses with professional/personal product needs and a massive market make nursing the perfect niche for enthusiastic entrepreneurs.

1. Healthcare is a Trillion-Dollar Industry

That’s right. Healthcare is a trillion-dollar global industry.

In addition, over 3 million registered nurses are working in the United States across 100+ career specializations.

That doesn’t include the many LPNs (licensed practical nurses), CNAs (certified nurse assistants), and nurse practitioners.

You’ll have tons of markets to sell various products and services within medical healthcare.

You can target nursing as a whole, focus on registered nurses or narrow it down to a specialization within nursing.

For instance, you can sell medical apparel, accessories, medical equipment, health-focused fashion, and more!

The medical scrub industry alone is worth over $10 billion in the United States and $60 billion worldwide.

Moreover, the medical scrub market will be worth $140.64 billion by 2027.

As a result, tailoring products/services to nurses is a fantastic way to make money and build a successful brand.

If you have an eye for fashion and accessories, selling products to nurses and healthcare workers makes sense.

Nurses are incredibly passionate and make good money to support their fashion, work, and personal choices.

Also, consider the cross niches in healthcare.

Scrubs and medical tools help nurses and support phlebotomists, physicians, doctors, dentists, and other healthcare workers.

Therefore, creating products that accommodate multiple niches is an excellent way to maximize your profits and service the most significant number of medical professionals.

Read the ultimate nursing equipment list for a checklist of popular products healthcare workers need.

2. The Average RN Makes $80,000+ Yearly

Registered nurses make excellent incomes allowing them to purchase goods they’re interested in buying.

Notably, the annual median income for registered nurses is over $80,000.

That number is even higher if you look into particular nursing specialties, APRNs (advanced practice registered nurses), and nurse practitioner occupations.

Besides that, nurses are very passionate about their profession.

As a result, it makes sense to sell nurse-focused products/services that they’ll enjoy inside and outside of work.

Finally, an estimated 90% of nurses are women, according to FastStaff.com.

It means the market is excellent for presenting fashion and health-based essentials.

Figs Scrubs is an exceptional example of a brand that focuses on fashionable medical apparel for healthcare workers.

Market Statistics:

  1. There are three million+ nurses in the U.S.
  2. Nearly 1 million LPNs/LVNs in the U.S.
  3. Over 300k nurse practitioners in the U.S.
  4. 9% job growth estimated over the next decade
  5. The average annual income is over 80K
  6. Approximately 90% of nurses are female
  7. 60% of registered nurses work in hospitals
  8. Nurses are a highly passionate group

3. The Nursing Industry Isn’t Going Anywhere

Unlike specific industries with a limited lifespan, nursing will always be an essential part of a thriving economy.

The nursing industry will grow by about 9% between 2020 and 2030.

Accordingly, nurses need adequate support, products, services, education, and tools to accomplish their educational and professional goals.

You’ll have a thriving market if you can deliver the best products/services that impact their lives and sell them at a reasonable price.

If you look outside of the United States, there’s a significantly larger economy of nurses and healthcare workers requiring valuable products and services.

While you can focus solely on the United States, there are plenty of opportunities to target the global audience.

Finally, nurses love using social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest.

As a result, having a good marketing campaign will help you find nurses passionate about particular topics/niches and kinds of fashion.

You can then build a profile that matches your products/services to that audience or develop products based on what nurses have shown an interest in buying.

There’s a lot of online information for those truly passionate about creating things nurses love.

4. Nurses Require Medical Essentials for Work

Selling casual apparel and accessories is a great way to attract nurses looking for nurse-focused items they utilize outside of work.

With that said, every working nurse uses a variety of medical essentials.

It includes scrubs, clipboards, watches, stethoscopes, footwear, work bags, scrub caps, compression socks, etc.

As a result, there’s a guaranteed market of healthcare professionals who buy personal items they’re inspired by and purchase things necessary for work.

Depending on your budget, brand, and niche, you can focus on causal items, professional work gear, etc.

Popular Nurse Products:

  • Medical clothing
  • T-shirts, apparel & accessories
  • Clipboards, pens, charms, pulse oximeters, etc.)
  • Tote bags
  • Medical watches
  • Medical footwear

5. Nursing is a Passionate Field

As I’ve said before, nursing is a profession full of caring, passionate individuals who take pride in their work.

As a result, you can make a significant profit selling to nurses if you connect with them emotionally and solve their problems.

Nurses also love to share things they adore with coworkers, friends, and family.

That means you can make extra money through word of mouth from a supportive group of healthcare workers.

The most important thing to focus on is delivering the products and services they’ll value and want to keep using.

It takes time to understand the nursing profession and learn the ins and outs of the healthcare workers’ personalities.

However, it’s well worth the effort when you create the things that make them happy and improve their lives.

Nurturing Nurses with an Amazing Brand

Most healthcare apparel and products focus solely on functionality.

As a result, these products lack style and fashion, leaving many nurses wanting more.

Companies like Figs have made millions selling fashion to nurses and creating a brand healthcare workers love.

Accordingly, Figs has shown that medical professionals will pay top dollar for fashionable healthcare-focused apparel.

It also means there are gaps in the market you can fill by providing stylish products designed for more than just functionality.

Nurse work hard taking care of others, so you should create the products that let them look, feel and function their best.

Take a plan from the Figs playbook and go the extra mile because nurses will love you and your brand for it.