What is Neonatal Resuscitation?

Neonatal Resuscitation

Neonatal resuscitation is the act of performing resuscitation on newborn infants.

The neonatal resuscitation program teaches individuals how to safely and successfully perform resuscitation on newborns.

This procedure generally occurs in a hospital delivery room or newborn nursery.

As a result, medical healthcare professionals primarily learn neonatal resuscitation.

Sometimes neonatal resuscitation occurs in other settings, such as onboard a plane (seeflight nurse) or in an ambulance.

The American Academy of Pediatrics developed the neonatal resuscitation program to help specialists provide life-saving care.

This institution focuses on overseeing and addressing the standards of the pediatric healthcare field.

Who Needs Neonatal Resuscitation Training

Neonatal resuscitation is essential for any healthcare provider that is involved in the delivery of newborns.

The course combines online educational material and examinations with in-person training.

It minimizes classroom training while ensuring trainees have the knowledge and skills to safely and successfully resuscitate newborn infants.

This course teaches individuals how to assess, identify, and treat newborns who appear to have breathing issues.

Numerous situations require newborns to receive resuscitation.

For instance, newborns may require resuscitation due to perinatal asphyxia, respiratory depression, and premature birth.

How Specialists Identify a Healthy Birth

There are numerous signs healthcare specialists use to identify whether an infant is healthy or requires resuscitation.

It includes looking for good breathing patterns, checking if the infant is crying, and identifying good muscle tone.

Common Health Signs:

  • Signs of adequate breathing
  • Crying
  • Good muscle tone

If any of these signs are missing, the doctor or healthcare provider must assess the infant further to ensure there isn’t difficulty breathing.

At this point, the physician, NICU nurse, or neonatal nurse practitioner performs additional steps to identify whether there is a problem.

The physician or nurse practitioner may provide neonatal resuscitation if the infant is unresponsive.

It includes clearing the airway passage, providing warmth, performing chest compressions, and supplying proper ventilation.

Additional Steps Include:

  • Clearing the airway passage
  • Providing the newborn with warmth
  • Performing chest compressions if necessary
  • Supplying the newborn with proper ventilation

Assessing, identifying, and acting on potential breathing problems immediately after childbirth is vital for ensuring the newborn gets the oxygen they need.

Numerous complications can occur during childbirth or when giving neonatal resuscitation.

As a result, it’s essential for everyone involved to understand how to provide resuscitation if necessary.

They must also have the equipment needed to give the newborn a healthy birth and treat them if any complications occur.

The Initial Steps of Newborn Care

There are several initial steps healthcare providers perform immediately after birth.

It includes supplying the infant with warmth, drying them, providing stimulation, positioning the head and neck to open their airway, and clearing the airway of secretions if required.

Each step is essential to ensure the infant remains stable and healthy.

For instance, providing immediate warmth ensures the infant receives adequate blood flow and circulation.

Clearing the airways of sections ensures the infant has good breathing and is receiving enough oxygen.

Those who work directly with infants receive training to administer these steps appropriately.

How to Obtain Neonatal Resuscitation Certification

The American Academy of Pediatrics offers the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) course.

Their course introduces students to the concepts and basic skills of neonatal resuscitation.

You can also learn about Neonatal Resuscitation through the American Heart Association’s website.

ACLS provides an online Neonatal Resuscitation Certification program for those who want to become certified.

According to ACLS, the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) accredits the exam.

Getting certified by an accredited organization is vital to receive proper certification and accreditation.

Finally, contacting a local hospital or healthcare facility is highly beneficial to determine where to obtain certification.

They can provide resources to ensure you get certified from an accreted institution.

Online Resources:

Is Neonatal Resuscitation the Same as CPR?

Healthcare professionals who learn Neonatal Rescuesstiton also know how to perform CPR.

However, Neonatal Resuscitation is more technically involved due to the patient’s age.

Patients who receive this emergency life-saving procedure have different physiologies and health conditions than adults.

As a result, healthcare professionals must receive specialized training to assess and treat neonatal patients properly.

How Long is Neonatal Resuscitation Certification Good For?

Neonatal Resuscitation certification is good for approximately two years from the date of the certificate.

Certificate holders must get recertified before their certification expires to remain compliant.

Those who recertify their certificate promptly may need to remake the entire certification.

The healthcare industry constantly evolves with new technologies, procedures, and data development.

As a result, getting recertified ensures healthcare professionals understand the latest procedures and best practices.

What About Recertification?

Hospitals, NICU units, and pediatric departments require routine Neonatal Rescuesittion certification renewal.

It ensures employees obtain the most updated information and best practices to provide sufficient life-saving intervention.

The renewal process updates employees on the latest procedures to guarantee they have the most effective training.

Individuals who do not renew their Neonatal Recusectation certificate in time must retake the certification program.

Furthermore, expired certificate holders may be unable to perform the procedure until they renew their licenses.

Each hospital and healthcare facility has policies regarding who can perform procedures and under what circumstances.

As a result, healthcare professionals must consult their employers to determine their rules, regulations, and provisions.

Can I Take The Neonatal Resuscitation Program Online?

Some institutions and companies enable healthcare professionals to complete online neonatal resuscitation programs.

However, it’s essential to ensure it’s an accredited program and accepted by your hospital or healthcare institution.

Acquiring a certificate that isn’t accredited may result in needing certification from a different valid establishment.

When Will I Get My Neonatal Resuscitation Provider Card?

Depending on the provider, applicants may print their card immediately after completing their certification.

Healthcare professionals can also have their provider cards printed and mailed to them by the program provider.

However, they may need to wait 2 – 5 business days after completing the course before the provider mails out the card.