How to Get More Visitors to Your Blog


Understanding how to get more visitors to your blog is essential for achieving various monetary, social, and traffic goals.

As a result, this article focuses on numerous strategies to acquire more readers and reach your traffic ambitions.

These strategies also help you make money faster and more effectively because of the increased readership over time.

Here are the five methods to promote your blog and improve visitor traffic.

5 Ways to Get More Blog Traffic

  1. Use social media
  2. Guest posts on high-quality websites
  3. Email marketing
  4. Adverting
  5. Use organic traffic (search engine traffic)

There are other marketing strategies like creating a YouTube channel and Podcasting.

However, I’ll focus on the methods above because they’re the most common and familiar.

1. Social Media

Promoting on social media platforms is an excellent way to attract readers to your site.

It includes social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest.

These websites allow you to post images and short posts that link to your blog.

That way, readers can enjoy your content, products, or services more.

Common strategies social media influences use to obtain traffic includes posting content daily, connecting with other influencers, and following popular trends.

In addition, you can post several types of content to attract a wide range of visitors and get them to follow your account.

It includes posting photography, videos, infographics, charts, case studies, memes, and written content.

Over time you’ll direct more followers to your blog to read your content, watch your videos or interact with other features.

For instance, you can use photography on Instagram to get people to talk about your photography and share it with their friends.

It’ll create buzz and bring visitors back to the blog, where they can see more pictures and learn about your website.

Here are some popular topics you may want to focus on when utilizing a photography-based approach.

Popular Photography Niches Include:

  • Architecture
  • Craft and projects
  • Documentary
  • Events (i.e., concerts, weddings, birthdays, etc.)
  • Fashion
  • Fine art
  • Food
  • Lifestyle
  • Pets
  • Photojournalism
  • Portrait photography
  • Product photography
  • Science
  • Sports
  • Travel and location-based photography
  • Wildlife

Contextual Social Media

Contextual social media sites like Facebook and Twitter help blogs/businesses build a social fan following through social pages.

These pages allow you to communicate and interact directly with your audience.

They also produce discussion-based content because readers can easily share information and socialize.

Social media sites share content with friends, family, colleagues, and other interested individuals.

As a result, they’re an excellent way for bloggers to get readers/views of their articles.

Social media sites also provide ways to communicate with your community and those with shared interests.

2. Guest Posting

When done correctly, guest posting is a highly beneficial strategy to obtain more blog visitors.

Guest posting involves writing content for other websites and getting a link back to your website.

Depending on the size of their audience, you can attract a few dozen to several thousand visitors from a single guest post.

In addition, the link you acquire helps boost your website’s authority, allowing you to rank higher on search engines.

And the better you rank on search engines, the more visitors you can obtain through search traffic.

Guest posting helps you build relationships with other websites.

You also receive various benefits from increased readership and authority to improved rankings with search engines.


A social mention occurs when a website, blog, or social media account links to an article, image, or video on your website.

Mentions usually happen when someone likes your creation and shares it with their audience.

However, it can also occur because of a citation someone made when referencing your content or through an influencer, blogger, or website relation.

If their follower sees your link and wants to learn more, they can click it and redirect to your blog.

Finally, building a relationship with an influencer or website will increase your chances of getting mentions and citations.

Your content must help address their readers’ specific want, need, or interest.

It’s one of the reasons why developing a content strategy is extremely important.

The more relevant and topical your blog is, the more people will link to it.

You also become an authority in a niche, further increasing the chance websites will link to you and share your content.

3. Email Marketing

Creating and growing an email list is another widespread strategy websites use to develop and maintain their audience.

You can share targeted, specific content with your audience through email marketing.

In addition, you can promote specific articles, products, and services by linking to specific blog pages.

The larger your subscriber base and the more eager they are, the more traffic and money you generate with each email.

It provides a high return on investment when done correctly.

Yes, it takes time and effort to build a good email list.

However, it is worth the effort because it ensures your most loyal readers always know when you have something to share.

Your email list is yours to keep.

That means you’ll be much less at risk of losing readers if a social media account changes policies or bans you.

Only producing content on sites, you don’t own puts you in a precarious position.

These sites limit what you can do, and they can close your account at any time and for almost any reason.

Therefore having a blog and an email list is a great way to safeguard yourself in the long run.

4. Advertising

Promoting your blog using effective advertising campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat is a helpful way to attract readers.

Advertising can be expensive if you don’t have a plan and goals for making a return on your investment.

Therefore, it may not be worth it if you don’t have something to sell.

You’ll likely want to avoid spending money unnecessarily as a new blogger.

Instead, focus on building an audience utilizing social media, online relationships, and email marketing.

Also focused on using SEO and keyword research.

It will help you grow your organic traffic over time for free.

Advertising requires a steep learning curve.

It takes time and effort to get it right.

If you don’t have the financial resources or knowledge, you’ll likely see better results by focusing on other strategies.

Once you’ve developed advertising knowledge through courses and have something to sell, set a small daily budget to see if you can get a good return.

As your experience grows, advertising helps you quickly establish a brand, gain traffic and make money.

At this point, you’ll likely want to combine advertising with an email list.

It will maximize your results and maintain a good relationship with your readers and customers.

5. Organic Traffic | Keyword Research & SEO

Besides utilizing the previously mentioned strategies, you can gain tons of free traffic using SEO and keyword research.

SEO and keyword research help you identify what content to write and how to create it.

It does this by determining the popularity of particular keywords/topics, identifying their difficulty to rank, and providing you with a potential ROI.

You can find dozens or thousands of keywords and see the traffic you can obtain if you rank highly for those search terms.

An excellent low-competition keyword can sometimes generate thousands of visitors from a single article.

The more content you create, the more visitors you can get through search engine/organic traffic.

Your content must deliver valuable information or products and be well-written.

Popular Search Engines Include:

  • Google
  • Bing
  • Baidu
  • Yahoo
  • Yandex
  • DuckDuckGo

Understanding SEO and keyword research can significantly improve your blog over time.

Using keyword research to rank well for popular topics helps you gain a steady supply of daily and monthly visitors.

For example, if you rank on Google for How To Start A Blog, and that keyword receives 10k monthly searches, you could receive hundreds or thousands of visitors from that article alone.

That said, it’s unlikely to rank for that term because it’s highly competitive.

Nevertheless, much less competitive keywords provide valuable traffic and readers.

Keyword research is even more beneficial when you have a product to sell or promote.

A good keyword campaign significantly affects how much money you can earn from a particular sales page.

As you create more content and rank for more keywords, you’ll get more visitors to your website each month;

Therefore, it’s essential to learn the basics of keyword research.

That way, you ensure that you focus on the most valuable content from the beginning.

Finally, keyword research is a great way to learn about your target audience and find relevant writing topics.

You can find thousands of keywords, topics, and ideas you may not have thought about using keyword research.

Important Keyword Research Metrics:

  • Search volume (How many monthly searches a keyword gets)
  • Rank value (What competitors are willing to pay for a keyword)
  • Keyword competitiveness (How difficult it is to rank for that keyword)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO (search engine optimization) focuses on the structure of an article to ensure that it ranks well in search engines.

As a result, SEO gives you the best chance to rank for your primary keywords and other content within the article.

After developing a list of keywords you want to write about,  take advantage of the best SEO practices.

It helps you write articles that search engines understand, so they rank your content well and share it with the right audience.

SEO Page Factors Include:

  • The article’s title
  • Your URL/extension
  • The article’s topical focus
  • The contents of the page
  • Keywords in the article
  • Related topics on the page
  • Images on the page
  • related links
  • Overall topical authority

Numerous other factors affect an article’s SEO.

However, these are some of the most common factors to consider.

By adequately formatting your content, search engines can rank your content better.

Because SEO improves the structure of your content, readers are more likely to understand the article and keep reading.

Combining SEO and keyword research in your daily practice will significantly improve the odds of getting more traffic and readers.

You’ll also have a better chance of readers taking action on something critical to your blog’s success.

How to Choose a Traffic Strategy

It would be fantastic if you could focus on all of these strategies at once to get more blog visitors and build an audience,

However, it is unrealistic for most beginners to take on more than one or two traffic strategies simultaneously.

Learning more about each method and choosing one or two traffic strategies to focus on is better.

You can develop your skills and witness success before adding more traffic strategies to your blog.

After all, you won’t stretch thin and struggle because you can’t correctly focus on one strategy.

In my personal opinion, learning keyword research and search engine optimization from the very beginning is critical.

It will help you create a consistent content strategy that pays off over time.

You’ll learn to create content that ranks and establish yourself as an authority.

You’ll also create content that your audience wants and likes.

Besides that, SEO and keyword research help you determine which articles not to write.

It saves you time when you are unsure whether a particular topic is worth your time.

You don’t have to spend countless hours learning keyword research and SEO to understand the basics.

You can significantly improve your performance by studying SEO and keyword research for 15 minutes daily.

In comparison, someone who doesn’t understand SEO and keyword research quickly loses thousands of monthly readers.

Other Strategies to Utilize

In addition to/aside from keyword research and SEO,  focus on social media, email marketing, and developing relationships with other bloggers/content creators.

You’ll be able to gain additional traffic/readers as you work to establish a successful blog.

For example, suppose you’re a photographer, food blogger, DIY craft expert, or fashion blogger.

In that case, you may want to focus on visual social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest.

It allows you to establish yourself as a professional photographer, craft designer, foodie, or trendsetter.

On the other hand, suppose you have an education-focused blog, news site, or content-based website.

In that case, use Facebook or Twitter to attract readers interested in learning/discussing topics that are important to them.

Finally, suppose you’re creating a portfolio blog/website to increase your chances of landing a job or attracting clients.

In that case, focus on using a platform such as LinkedIn to connect with individuals and organizations interested in what you have to offer.

Using the strategies above, there are many ways to build an audience, attract blog readers, and retain previous visitors.

However, your blog’s niche, website goals, traffic strategies, competition, and effort will determine the success of your website.

Remember when deciding how to promote your blog to maximize its success.

Don’t Forget to Email Marketing

So you’ve learned SEO and keyword research and picked a social media site to focus on building relationships.

That’s fantastic, but you don’t want to forget about email marketing.

Every time a visitor comes to your website, you can collect their email.

If you don’t obtain their email when they visit, they’ll likely forget about your website and not see it again.

As a result, you’ll want to ensure email marketing is part of your overall traffic retention strategy.

It’s often easier to keep a valuable visitor than to attract someone who isn’t sure they’re interested in your content.