How Much Do Nurse Practitioners Make | Salary Estimate


According to, the average income for a nurse practitioner in the United States is roughly $115,005.

However, income varies considerably among the bottom 10% and top 10% earners.

The bottom 10% of income earners make approximately $99,168 per year.

In comparison, the top 10% of nurse practitioners make about $133,980 annually.

It’s important to mention that salary estimates vary depending on the data source.

For instance, estimates the average nurse practitioner’s salary to be approximately $100,309.

Finally, the amount of money a nurse practitioner brings home varies due to several considerations.

The following section will cover these aspects to explain why income levels fluctuate.

Factors That Influence A Nurse Practitioner’s Salary

Numerous factors determine how much money nurse practitioners make yearly.

It includes their location, experience, specialization, compensations, and incentives.

Firstly, we’ll look at a nurse practitioner’s location because where they work intensely impacts their annual income.


One of the most significant determining factors of a nurse practitioner’s salary is the state and location they work.

For instance, nurse practitioners in highly populated metropolitan locations like New York, N.Y., earn between $119,299 and $161,178, with a median income of around $138,251.

However, a nurse practitioner operating in a low-paying state like Alabama earns approximately $95,970 based on estimates.

That’s a difference of more than $40,000 a year!

In some cases, estimated salary does not consider bonuses and incentives made over the year, so some NPs earn more than is estimated.

Finally, consider that living costs, taxes, and other expenses may decrease any financial advantages of working in a high-paying state or location.

As a result, it doesn’t always benefit nurse practitioners to work in states offering more money purely for financial benefit.

A state that offers less money but has considerably lower taxes and a better cost of living may be just as valuable of a financial decision.

Nurse practitioners must jointly consider their salary and expenses to determine whether one location is financially more viable than another.


Work experience is another critical factor determining a nurse Practioner’s income level.

Knowledge comes with years of work experience and hands-on training.

NPs with more experience, training, and knowledge earn more on average than peers with less expertise.

Healthcare is a risky industry if employees don’t possess the skills to provide exceptional medical care in countless situations.

Therefore, hospitals, medical offices, and urgent care centers pay top dollar for the best specialists with the most experience.

They may also offer NPs special bonuses or incentives for their hard work to keep them on the payroll.

Nurse practitioners spend years and thousands of hours crafting their skills.

However, there will always be a demand for professionals with the most talent and expertise.


There are numerous specializations for nurse practitioners.

Each discipline, workplace, and subspecialty has its own patient care needs, work requirements, and experts to accommodate its demographic.

Each profession also offers different levels of pay.

For instance, nurse practitioners in urgent/emergency care work with a wide variety of patients.

They’re responsible for managing high-risk situations and stabilizing individuals in life-threatening conditions.

These professionals earn top dollar at busy hospitals requiring highly talented and experienced NPs to ensure patients receive the best treatment.

Psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners also make excellent incomes for managing and treating patients with mental health issues.

On the other hand, aesthetic nurse practitioners and orthopedic nurse practitioners earn less than other NP occupations on average.

Compensation and Incentives

Some nurse practitioners receive compensations and incentives like sign-on bonuses and pay raises to remain committed to a particular healthcare facility.

These bonuses keep highly talented NPs content and prevent them from moving to other companies/hospitals.

Each employer is different and what they offer employees varies based on their hiring agreements.

However, those with high skill levels have more opportunities to earn bonuses to keep them at their workplace.

Factors that Impact an NPs Salary

  • Location (state/city)
  • Work setting (hospital, emergency department, clinic, Dr. office, etc.)
  • Specialization/subspecialty
  • Years of work (experience)
  • Compensations and bonuses

Career Overview

A nurse practitioner is an advanced practice registered nurse with post-graduate education and specialization in a particular healthcare setting.

It includes adult care, pediatric care, neonatal care, psychiatry, mental health, and family care.

However, there are other specializations.

Nurse practitioners also work in subspecialties like emergency care, cardiology, acute care, dermatology, and forensics.

These medical professionals treat various mental, emotional, and physical health issues.

They use their education, expertise, and specialized training to analyze, assess, and diagnose patients’ medical conditions.

Because of their experience, nurse practitioners can develop proper treatment plans to accommodate patients’ needs based on their situations.

Some also research medical journals and medical procedures aligned with their practice.

It allows them to perform physical exams and patient screenings and prescribe physical and psychological therapy to patients in need of specialized rehabilitation.

In addition to providing medical care, NPs educate patients about their medical conditions and provide them with ways to best care for their particular needs.

Nurse Practioner who work outside of patient care work as educators, researchers, and advocates.

For instance, some NPs participate in advocacy groups to improve the healthcare system.

They use their knowledge and expertise to support better medical research, employee work/life balance, and better patient care practices.

Why Do Nurse Practitioners Make So Much Money?

Nurse practitioners spend years in college developing their skills and specialization.

It takes most NPs 7 to 9 years of academic education to understand the ins and outs of their professions and acquire the training necessary to provide high-level patient care.

In addition, an abundance of NPs worked as registered nurses for five to fifteen years before going back to school to become nurse practitioners.

As a result, they’re highly trained and specialized with tons of hands-on experience treating patients in various settings with diverse medical needs.

Because of nurse practitioners’ training, they can diagnose patients, prescribe medications, act as primary care providers, and open clinics.

Nevertheless, their scope of practice varies depending on the state, with some nurse practitioners having more occupational liberty than others.

Nurse practitioners make a lot of money because they’re specialized, highly trained/skilled, and essential to ensuring patients receive the best healthcare.

NPs, aren’t doctors or physicians, and they don’t treat rare and complex medical conditions.

However, they provide exceptional and effective medical care to most patients.

Moreover, their expertise is essential in underserved locations where there aren’t enough healthcare specialists to accommodate their patients’ medical needs.