Funny nurse quotes and memes provide humor for hard-working medical professionals and nursing students in difficult times.
They’re also a great way to connect with other nurses who need a good laugh after a long workday.
These humorous quotes present a fantastic opportunity to take a break and brighten your day!

Laughter is the best medicine. Except when treating diarrhea.

Yes I’m a nurse. No, I don’t want to look at it.

Nurses can’t fix stupid, but we can sedate it!

I’m not saying I’m a big deal, but the government classifies me as essential.

The nurse who can smile when things go wrong is probably going off duty.

You know you’re a nurse if you can drink a pot of coffee and go directly to sleep.

Warning! Stop putting on your call light. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I’m one shift away from developing a drug habit.

Full-time drug dealer. Just one of my many talents.

Nursing friendships are a different kind of friendship. Like I’ll hold the butt cheeks while you clean the butt crack kind of love.

Human nursing. Like pet nursing but way more barking.

Being a nurse. It causes me to wine a lot.

Yes, I’m a nurse. I stab people for a living!

RN does not mean refreshments and narcotics.

How can anybody hate nurses? Nobody hates nurses. The only time you hate a nurse is when they’re giving you an enema.

I can’t tell if you’re on too many drugs or not enough.

Sarcastic patients this way.

If you’re crazy and you know it shake your meds.

I’m a nurse. The story has to be really good to gross me out.

Not to brag, but I charted so hard today!

Sleep all day, nurse all night.

You know you’re a nurse when your finger has gone places you never thought possible.

I love being a nurse, but I mostly love wearing scrubs. They’re basically professional pajamas.

I have restraints and Ativan, and i’m not afraid to use them.

You can tell when a patient is feeling better when she starts to wearing makeup.

Being a nurse is weird. I can keep a poker face though trauma but have a mental breakdown over losing my favorite pen.

Nursing school is a lot like giving birth… Once it’s over, you tend to forget just how painful the process really was.

Every nurse has a best friend, Pam: LorazePAM, DiazePAM, and ClonazePAM

Nurse. The first person you see after saying, “hold my beer, watch this!”

Don’t mess with me. I get paid to poke people with sharp objects!

Nursing isn’t a career… It’s a post-apocalypitc survival skill.

If i’m just a nurse maybe I should leave. That way, you can see how your visit goes without me!

You think Mondays are bad? Try working weekends, holidays and 12 hour nights!

Once a nurse, always a nurse. No matter where you go or what you do, you can never truly get out of nursing. It’s like the Mafia… You know too much.

It’s really nice when patients call me nurse, insntead of, “hey”!

How many nurses does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, it’s delegated to the nursing students.

Nursing would be a dream job, if there were no doctors.

I came. I cared. I charted!

What would I do without the patient’s family members telling me how to do my job?

Nurses need shots too!

No, I will not rub your feet. I am a nurse, not a masseur. Can I interest you in a narcotic?

Stop putting on your call light… Ain’t nobody got time for that!

We may not cook or clean, but we could save your life. That has to account for something.

Laughter isn’t the best medicine… Propofol is!

Be nice to me. I dispense the happy pills!

If I collapse at work, here is a list of doctors that I don’t want working on me!

You know you’re overworked when you count going to the bathroom as taking a break.

Call lights should work like PCA pumps. There’s a set specifc time interval allowed between each push.
Over time this collection of funny quotes for nurses will continue to expand with new excerpts, selections, and quotations.
I’ll gradually incorporate new passages from hilarious nurses, random sources, and personal quotations.
In addition, I’ll include supplemental quote illustrations to ensure the page offers plenty of context to the humor.
Few things brighten up a nurse’s day, like some good humor with a bit of sarcasm!
Healthcare workers can always have more laughter, good spirits, and unpretentiousness.
As a result, sharing these quotes is an excellent way to keep them entertained throughout the day.
It’s also a fantastic resource for nursing students with a sense of humor and a desire to share hilarious quotes/memes.
Why Funny Nurse Quotes Matter
Healthcare will always be rewarding and meaningful for the people who provide patient care.
However, it’s also stressful and challenging, especially in emergency settings.
Nurses spend long days providing direct patient care and ensuring the hospital runs smoothly.
As a result, it’s essential to keep a positive attitude and find humor in daily work and life.
Amusing nurse quotes are a fantastic way to remember why healthcare workers do.
It enables them to deliver laughter that’s sometimes true and other times exaggerated.
It’s also a creative way to share humor with other nursing students and healthcare workers to boost their spirits.
Everyone deserves a good laugh, so why not share humorous nursing quotes to brighten their days?
At the least, you’ll get a chuckle from them and take their mind off of their daily stressors for a few seconds!
For those who enjoy great nursing quotes, I recommend reading a few other sources below.