How Transplant Nurses Help Save Lives—And Why Their Role Matters!


A transplant nurse helps surgeons, donors, and recipients with organ or tissue transplants and other related procedures.

These healthcare specialists manage organ donations, assist surgical teams and provide medical care and education.

As a result, they’re vital for helping those with severe injuries, illnesses, or organ failure receive adequate medical care.

Organ donations enable patients to recover from debilitating conditions or diseases and live healthy, happy lives.

What Do Transplant Nurses Do?

Transplant nurses must manage many responsibilities to ensure patients receive proper medical care and support.

For instance, these specialists consult the patient during the evaluation process.

They’ll gather information and ensure that the potential recipient is a good fit for the transplant.

Trapnalnt nurses will educate and inform qualified recipients about their transplant procedure and possible risks.

They also prepare the recipients and co-workers for transplant surgery.

Transplant nurses ensure the proper medical equipment is prepared, sanitized, and operational for surgery.

During operations, transplant nurses assist physicians and other specialists with transplant procedures.

They’ll also monitor and evaluate patient vitals to identify potential complications throughout the operation.

After the procedure, transplant nurses will continue monitoring the patient’s recovery.

They’ll update their medical histories and oversee their recovery process.

Finally, these specialists educate recovering patients on post-surgery lifestyle changes and give discharge instructions.

Transplant nurses also perform other medical duties required by physicians and high-level staff.

Transplant Nurse Responsbiltities:

  • Assist patients through the evaluation process
  • Get patients listed for transplant surgery
  • Schedule donor tests and examinations
  • Educate donors and recipients on procedures
  • Coordinate with the patient and surgical team
  • Prepare patients for surgical operations
  • Provide emotional support
  • Monitor patient vitals
  • Review and update medical records
  • Sanitize and prepare equipment for surgery
  • Assist the surgeon with operations
  • Provide discharge instructions
  • Advise patients on post-surgery lifestyle changes

Sometimes transplant nurses work with living donors who provide organs to recipients requiring life-saving procedures.

In this case, they educate donors about the procedure, answer questions and help them through the donation process.

It is essential to ensure donors do not incur any health risks during their procedure and in the future.

As a result, transplant nurses will review the donor’s medical history and schedule various tests and examinations.

They’ll prepare suitable donors for surgery, ready the surgical equipment, and assist the surgeon during the operation.

Finally, the transplant nurse will provide post-operative care to ensure the donor is healthy before discharge.

They’ll give post-surgical advice on diet, lifestyle, and exercise changes the donor must implement to recover adequately.

Who Requires Organ/Tissue Transplants?

Transplant nurses assist various types of patients requiring transplants.

It includes patients with severe lung complications, kidney failure, eye surgery patients, those suffering from a heart attack or heart disease, and those who require new or replaced intestinal tissue.

The most common transplants include kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas, and intestine.

Common Types of Transplants:

  • Kidney
  • Liver
  • Heart
  • Lung
  • Pancreas
  • Intestine

Where Do Transplant Nurses Work?

Transplant nurses work in various emergency and urgent care healthcare facilities and departments.

It includes emergency rooms, hospitals, outpatient surgery centers, and other surgery-based facilities.

Transplant Nurse Settings:

  • Emergency rooms
  • Hospitals
  • Outpatient surgery centers
  • Surgery based facilities

The procedures transplant nurses assist with vary based on their work setting and specialization.

How Donations Work

Both living and non-living donors may apply to offer their organs to patients needing life-saving organ transplants.

Healthy living donors may offer to donate part of their liver or kidney to patients suffering from liver failure or severe kidney issues.

In contrast, non-living donors may contribute to donating more essential organs, such as the heart, eyes, or lungs.

Transplant nurses follow a thorough process to ensure donors and recipients receive adequate care.

For donors, a transplant nurse will ensure they’re a good fit for the recipient.

They’ll also review their medical histories and perform tests to ensure the donor doesn’t suffer any long-term health issues.

For the recipient, transplant nurses also ensure they’re a good fit for the donation.

They’ll conduct medical reviews and examinations to ensure the patient’s body accepts the recipient’s organ or tissues. 

Once they find a good match, they’ll go through the abovementioned process and move forward with the operation.

How to Become a Transplant Nurse

Becoming a transplant nurse requires a lot of dedication, training, and time.

However, hard-working nurses can take pride in helping patients requiring life-saving transplants receive adequate care.

The following sections explore the steps aspiring transplant nurses must complete to enter this profession.

It includes joining a nursing school, obtaining a degree, passing the NCLEX-RN, gaining experience, and getting certified.

1. Join a Nursing School

The first step to becoming a transplant nurse is to join a nursing school.

Gaining acceptance into a nurse program requires students to complete numerous prerequisite courses.

These prerequisites provide students with the fundamentals necessary to succeed in the nursing program.

Students must also maintain a minimal GPA determined by the nursing school to enter the program.

After completing the required prerequisites, students may apply for nursing school.

Some universities enable students to apply one semester before finishing their prerequisites.

It enables students to begin the application process early.

Students may also apply to numerous programs to maximize their acceptance odds due to limited seating and competition.

2. Obtain an ADN, or BSN Degree

Most nursing programs offer students two educational paths: pursuing an ADN or BSN degree.

Full-time students can complete the ADN degree in approximately 18 – 24 months.

This degree enables nursing students to enter the field quickly, gain experience and earn money.

Nevertheless, many healthcare institutions prefer nurses with a BSN due to their comprehensive education and training.

The BSN degree takes roughly 36 – 48 months to complete and prepares students for more specialized roles.

As a result, it’s beneficial for aspiring transplant nurses to obtain their BSN.

Some nursing students will obtain an ADN to enter the field quickly and pursue their BSN while working.

It enables them to develop their skillset and advance their education simultaneously.

Students who continue their education while working may participate in online nursing programs due to their flexibility.

3. Pass the NCLEX-RN

Successful nursing school graduates must pass the NCLEX-RN exam to obtain licensure.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) issues the exam.

This exam tests nursing graduates’ competencies to ensure sufficient training and education for their nursing roles.

It’s also a necessary exam for nursing graduates who want to obtain their state licensure to operate as registered nurses.

4. Acquire Work Experience

After completing the nursing program and obtaining licensure, registered nurses must receive sufficient work experience.

The complications and risks involved in transplant nursing are relatively high for those with insufficient training.

As a result, most facilities require nurses to have a BSN degree and several years of acute care experience.

It’s also beneficial for nurses to pursue continuing education courses and certifications related to transplant nursing.

5. Get Certified

While not necessary in most careers, nurses may want to obtain certified clinical transplant nurse certification (CCTN).

Obtaining CCTN certification demonstrates to employers the nurse’s competencies, dedication, and expertise.

As a result, nurses with CCTN certification are more likely to obtain jobs, earn higher wages and provide exceptional care.

Other certifications for clinical and procurement transplant clinicians include CPTC, CCTC, and CTP certifications.

  • Certified Procurement Transplant Coordinator (CPTC)
  • Certified Clinical Transplant Coordinator (CCTC)
  • Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse (CCTN)
  • Certified Transplant Preservationist (CTP)


As with many other nursing fields, transplant nurses are the backbone of good patient care.

These nurses help alleviate many of the tasks physicians, and other specialists would have to accomplish without their aid.

Without transplant nurses, transplant care would significantly reduce in speed and efficiency.

In addition, patient waiting times would significantly increase due to insufficient medical assistance.

Transplant nurses ensure donors and recipients receive adequate medical care.

They also ensure donors and recipients match for donations through rigorously testing and medical history reviews.

These specialists assist surgical teams during operations to ensure patients remain stable and prevent complications.

After surgical procedures, they educate patients about lifestyle changes and provide support to help them recover.

A transplant nurse’s job is multi-faceted, providing care from when donors/recipients arrive to well after they leave.