Why do Nurses Wear White Shoes


Traditionally nurses and healthcare workers wore white shoes and uniforms to show a professional, sanitary, uniform appearance.

White clothing and footwear provided numerous benefits, from efficiently spotting bodily fluids to making it easier to identify medical professionals.

Many nursing schools still require students to wear white shoes for numerous reasons.

Firstly, white footwear maintains the tradition nurses started a long time ago.

White shoes also make it easier to spot stains and fluids, which is vital for maintaining sanitary, clean work attire.

Accordingly, students can better sustain their clothing and footwear by cleaning them immediately when they’re dirty.

It’s essential to keep nurses clean and ensure they don’t transmit harmful viruses.

Traditionally, it also signaled that you are hygienic and safe to staff and patients.

Some students believe that wearing white shoes during nursing clinicals prepares them for the workplace.

It’s easier to maintain clean, sanitary attire once work begins if the university instills the habit before they start working.

Finally, white shoes only made up part of a nurse’s traditional uniform.

Nurses also wore white clothing to maintain a clean and sanitary professional appearance.

However, very few institutions require nurses to wear all-white uniforms and footwear today.

Some healthcare facilities limit the colors nurses wear or require specific colors, but they rarely need all-white attire.

4 Reasons Nurses Wear White Shoes

  1. They provide a uniform appearance
  2. It’s easy to identify stains, germs, and bodily fluids
  3. It lets patients and healthcare workers know your clean
  4. White clothing is a traditional color for nurses

1. White Shoes Provide a Uniform Appearance

Traditionally nurses wore particular clothing and colors to make them quickly identifiable to patients and staff.

It allowed them to maintain a professional appearance and work more effectively.

It also created uniformity, as we commonly see among police officers, firefighters, EMS, and other first responders.

Hospital and healthcare facilities may no longer require all-white clothing/footwear.

However, some facilities have clothing and color guidelines to ensure nurses are easily identifiable and look professional.

2. It’s Easy to Spot Stains and Bodily Fluids

Light-colored footwear allows nurses to quickly identify stains, bodily fluids, and other unsanitary elements.

As a result, they can clean their attire or replace them to ensure they aren’t carrying viruses and illnesses around.

There weren’t many ways for healthcare professionals to identify and knowingly prevent transmissible illnesses/viruses in the past.

Therefore, wearing all-white allowed them to look professional and quickly identify harmful fluids.

Today many healthcare facilities utilize various strategies to maintain clean and sanitary work environments.

It includes using hospital-approved cleaning products and wearing protective gear, gloves, and other protective measures.

In addition, most institutions require staff to follow specific procedures.

It ensures that healthcare professionals aren’t transmitting germs, bodily fluids, or viruses to patients and staff.

Many nurses no longer need to wear all-white attire in professional settings.

However, they must follow the company’s clothing guidelines and safety policies.

3. White Footwear Lets Others Know You’re Clean

White footwear and clothing easily show any stains and bodily fluids accumulated on their surface.

As a result, patients and staff can quickly tell whether a nurse is clean and sanitary.

Nurses with stained clothing and footwear will need to change or clean their attire before continuing work quickly.

In addition, making it easier to see stains and bodily fluids ensures patients feel comfortable and safe when receiving care.

They can tell if a nurse is clean by how well kept they are and how well they take care of their clothing.

4. It’s a Traditional Color

As previously mentioned wearing white shoes and clothing allows nurses to pay homage to traditional medical attire.

Some healthcare institutions and nursing schools require students/nurses to wear white out of respect for previous nurses.

However, modern times demand changes, and most hospitals have moved away from the requirement of wearing white.

Today nurses have a lot more flexibility in terms of wearing attire.

Numerous brands have established themselves as fashionable alternatives to conventional nurse clothing.

For instance, companies like Figs wear and Clove offer nurses stylish apparel that looks great while remaining professional.

Modern apparel is also more comfortable and supportive of nurses’ needs.

There are various types of footwear made specifically for today’s healthcare settings.

These shoes offer premium insoles, improved arch support, easy-to-clean materials, and excellent foot protection.

They also come in unique designs that accommodate various medical clothing, so nurses look fantastic at work.

In the past, nurses would wear regular clothing during their commutes and change at work.

However, some of the recently designed medical scrubs look so incredible nurses wear them outside of the workplace.

College/University Dress Codes

Numerous nursing schools require nursing students to wear white shoes, especially during clinicals.

It forces students to understand how easily their footwear can get dirty if they don’t take care of them.

In addition, wearing white shoes signals to students and educators that you aren’t maintaining a sterile workplace.

Some colleges/universities have removed requiring students to wear all-white shoes.

Instead, they may allow students to wear all-black footwear or limited colors.

Ultimately, it’s up to the nursing school to determine the dress code policies for their students.

Healthcare Facility Dress Codes

Nowadays, healthcare facilities are much more flexible regarding what shoes nurses wear.

Many nurses wear various footwear, including athletic sneakers, clogs, crocs, and work shoes.

Nurses are also allowed to wear the colors they prefer as long as it meets the healthcare facilities’ guidelines.

Most importantly, footwear must look professional, adequately protect the nurse’s feet and offer excellent slip resistance.

Each healthcare facility varies when it comes to the particular clothing, and footwear nurses can wear.

As a result, nurses must understand their institution’s guidelines to ensure they’re wearing the proper attire.

The Advantages of White Leather Shoes

In cases where nurses/students require white footwear, most of them prefer all-white leather shoes.

Notably, all-white leather nursing shoes are easier to clean and maintain.

They also feature durable materials that are stain-resistant, protective, and offer a professional appearance.

Footwear with perforations or absorbable fabrics is much less safe, and facilities may limit these types of footwear.

They’re also more challenging to clean because stains get soaked into the fabrics, preventing them from being wiped away.